Hastings Festival Results
1st place
Seren age 13 modern
Daisy B age 15 Greek
Amelia & Katie 14 & under MT Duet
Sullivan, Evie & Sophie 10 & under character trio
Carnival of Chaos - Inter character group
Somewhere only we know - Inter Lyrical group
Annie - Junior MT group
Legally Blonde - Senior MT group
2nd Place
Katie age 13 MT
Seren age 13 Greek
Seren age 13 Lyrical
Sophie M age 9 Tap
Katie & Seren age 14 & under lyrical duet
Ella-Marie age 14 character
Ella A age 15 MT
Daisy B age 15 MT
Sullivan age 8 Tap
Sophie, Daisy & Emily age 21 & under Lyrical Trio
Beggin’ - Senior small Tap group
Chernobyl - Senior contemporary group
Amelia, Evie, Sophie & Lucy age 10 & under modern quartet
Evie & Sophie age 10 & under tap duet
3rd place
Eryn age 10 Tap
Ella-Marie age 14 Modern
Sophie M age 9 Modern
Daisy B age 15 ballet
Ella age 15 Tap
Daisy B age 15 Tap
Lucy, Amelia D & Eloise age 14 & under Modern Trio
Singin’ in the Rain - Junior Modern group
Fosse - Senior Modern group Six - Senior small MT group
Don’t cry for me - Senior Lyrical group
This week we are at our home festival in Eastbourne. This is a busy week, with many of our dancers competing in solos, duets, trios, quartets and groups during the week. Results for each day below:
Well done to all our wonderful seniors and inters that performed yesterday, you danced beautifully and made us so proud!
Well done to Gracie-May, Emily, Elodie, Daisy, Daisy, Ella, Sophie, Lucy, Katie, Amelia, Eloise, Holly, Rosie, Scarlett, Ella, Sasha, Summer, Lia & Tyler! You all did an amazing job with your performances!
Day 1 at Eastbourne Festival
1st place 🥇
Elodie age 16+ Greek
Lucy W age 16+ Tap
Amelia G & Katie P age 13 & 14 MT duet
Lia & Daisy B age 15-21 MT duet
2nd place 🥈
Gracie-May age 16+ Greek
Gracie-May age 16+ Character
Holly, Rosie, Eloise & Scarlett Inter classical Trios & Quartets
Ella & Tyler age 15-21 MT duet
3rd place 🥉
Gracie-May age 16+ National
Elodie age 16+ Lyrical
Well done also to our pupils that took part in the singing section of the festival with your singing teachers, we are very proud of you too. Well done to Katie, Ella, Carys, Amelia & Shay!
Day 2 at Eastbourne Festival
Well done to our dancers for some more incredible performances yesterday. You all danced so well. Well done Ella, Ella-Marie, Amelia, Katie, Seren, Izzy, Sasha, Erin, Freya & Keiana
1st place 🥇
Seren age 13 Modern
2nd place 🥈
Amelia age 14 National
Seren age 13 Ballet
Seren age 13 Lyrical
3rd place 🥉
Katie age 13 Modern
Saha & Erin age 11 & 12 MT duet
Amelia age 14 Greek
Amelia age 14 Tap
Everyone is really doing us proud. Your attitude and kindness to others as well as wonderful performances on stage!
Day 3 at Eastbourne Festival
Well done inters for some fabulous performances, you were brilliant! Fabulous dancing from Seren, Freya, Sasha, Ella-Marie, Amelia, Ella, Summer & Erin.
Results from day 3…
1st place 🥇
Erin & Sasha age 11 & 12 Contemporary duet
2nd place 🥈
Sasha age 12 character
3rd place 🥉
Seren age 13 Greek
Ella-Marie age 14 character
Well done everyone
Day 4 at Eastbourne Festival
Well done to all our dancers yesterday - Harper, Sophie, Lydia, Holly, Ella, Enina, Eryn, Rosie, Scarlett, Sullivan, Summer, Honey, Katie, Seren, Sophie, Daisy, Daisy & Amelia!
Special mentions to Harper & Lydia for performing your first solos and Honey for her first duet. Also to Holly for her last solo with us before she moves away.
Results from day 4…
1st place 🥇
Ella & Summer age 11 & 12 character duet
2nd place 🥈
Enina & Eryn age 9&10 character duet
Scarlett & Sullivan age 11&12 character duet
Katie & Seren age 13&14 lyrical duet
3rd place 🥉
Lydia age 9 character
Sophie age 9 National
Holly & Rosie age 11 &1 2 character duet
Enina & Eryn age 9 & 10 MT duet
Daisy & Amelia age 15 & 16 lyrical duet
Day 5 at Eastbourne Festival
Wonderful day at Eastbourne Festival yesterday! Our dancers are doing us proud and being so supportive of each other it’s lovely to see.
Well done to Lucy, Evie, Sophie, Sullivan, Nellie, Eryn, Dahlia, Delilah & Violet for your brilliant performances yesterday.
Special mentions to Sullivan, Dahlia & Nellie for your first ever solos! You were amazing!
Day 5 results…
2nd place 🥈
Evie age 10 character
Sullivan age 8 tap
3rd place 🥉
Dahlia age 7 ballet
Evie & Sophie age 9&10 stage duet
Delilah & Violet age 8& under character duet
Day 6 at Eastbourne Festival
Shorter day at the festival yesterday with performances in the afternoon only, some amazing performances by everyone!
Well done to Ella, Summer, Sophie, Evie, Sullivan, Delilah, Violet, Daisy, Elodie, Gracie-May, Maisy, Eden, Sophie, Amelia & Lucy.
Special mentions of the day for Summer, Daisy, Elodie & Gracie-May for taking on the improvisation sections and also Maisy, Sophie & Eden for their first trio!
Places on Day 6…
1st place 🥇
Summer age 11-13 commercial
Sophie, Evie & Sullivan age 10&under classical trio
Sophie, Amelia, Evie & Lucy age 10&under stage quartet
2nd place 🥈
Ella age 11-13 commercial
Delilah & Violet 8 &under modern duet
3rd place 🥉
Summer age 11-14 improvisation
Day 7 at Eastbourne Festival
Another quiet day yesterday at the festival! Great performances and lovely support!
Well done Aurora, Scarlett, Tansi, Ella, Summer, Gracie-May, Keiana, Amelia, Lia, Daisy & Ella.
Special mention to Aurora for her first solo performance, Tansi for her first Shining Stars performance and Gracie-May for doing the improvisation section!
Results from day 7…
1st place 🥇
Ella age 15-18 MT
2nd place 🥈
Gracie-May 21 &under classical improvisation
Day 8 at Eastbourne Festival
Start of groups at Eastbourne Festival yesterday and a lovely day and performances that made us so proud! Well done everyone!
Well done Keiana, Amelia, Katie, Ella, Lia, Daisy, Seren, Daisy, Ella-Marie, Ella, Sasha, Erin, Summer, Freya, Isla, Enina, Eryn, Amelia, Sophie, Evie, Maisy, Katie, Sophie, Lucy, Holly, Eloise, Summer, Sophie, Emily, Carys, Rebecca, Kacie-Leigh, Phoebe, Heather, Elodie, Izzy & Lucy - you were all amazing!
Places from day 8…
1st place 🥇
Six -Senior MT mini group
Amelia age 13 & 14 MT
Amelia, Katie, Lia & Daisy - senior MT quartet
2nd place 🥈
Ella age 14-16 commercial
Indiana - junior MT mini group
Chernobyl - senior contemporary group
3rd place🥉
Millie - Inter MT mini group
Day 9 at Eastbourne Festival
Final day of the festival yesterday and feel so incredibly proud of all our groups for amazing performances!
Well done to all our dancers, Daisy, Amelia, Carys, Izzy, Lucy, Emily, Sophie, Daisy, Ella, Lia, Gracie-May, Rebecca, Katie, Phoebe, Freya, Kacie-Leigh, Ella-Marie, Sasha, Seren, Erin, Ella, Heather, Scarlett, Lucy, Evie, Amelia, Sophie, Rosie, Cerys, Holly, Blair, Keiana, Summer, Summer, Scarlett, Honey, Aurora, Nellie, Sadie, Lydia, Delilah, Dahlia, Bella, Eva-Rose, Millie, Violet, Ella, Sullivan, Eden, Enina, Eryn, Isla, Sophie, Maisy, Katie, Imara, Harper & Elodie
Results from day 9…
1st place 🥇
Carnival of Chaos - Inter character group
Singin’ in the Rain - Junior modern group
2nd place 🥈
Somewhere only we know - Inter Lyrical group
Legally Blonde - Senior MT group
Annie - Junior MT group
Beggin’ - Senior small tap group
Amazing performances also from Fosse & Don’t cry in the most insane final section of the festival
Trophy winners
Ella Andrews - highest mark MT solo age 13+
Sophie Martin - highest aggregate marks for a local dancer aged 10 & under
Sasha Walton - Joy of Dance
Lia Lopez-Gittins & Daisy Braybrooke and Amelia Gurr & Katie Parkes - highest mark MT duet (shared)